Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Phaneero Youth Flood the Kampala suburbs and city streets with the word:

Phaneero Youth Flood the Kampala suburbs and city streets with the word:

The Kampala youth under Phaneroo fellowship today have taken to the streets to preach the gospel, in preparation of the 11th August, 2018 4th Anniversary celebrations of the fellowship. I am not part of this fellowship but I love that young people have embraced the gospel, at the traffic lights of Jinja Road this morning, a beautiful young lady said something that I loved and I wish most young people knew and I quote “the joy you are all looking for can only be found in Christ, He alone is the giver of unending joy, peace and love” and I thought of the many young people that are looking for love from many different places, people and substance abuse. I was once in that place and its no place for no one, we were all created with a void in our hearts that cannot be filled by anything or anyone, not marriage, alcohol, a good job, money, sex or anything else but by only, Him, our Lord Jesus, He alone can satisfy

One word I can leave with these Phaneero Youth on our streets today is Romans 12:11-21
“Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord. When you hope, be joyful. When you suffer, be patient. When you pray, be faithful. Share with God's people who are in need. Welcome others into your homes. Bless those who hurt you. Bless them, and do not call down curses on them. Be joyful with those who are joyful. Be sad with those who are sad. Agree with each other. Don't be proud. Be willing to be a friend of people who aren't considered important. Don't think that you are better than others. Don't pay back evil with evil. Be careful to do what everyone thinks is right. If possible, live in peace with everyone. Do that as much as you can. My friends don't try to get even. Leave room for God to show his anger. It is written, "I am the One who judges people. I will pay them back,"(Deuteronomy 32:35) says the Lord. Do just the opposite. Scripture says, "If your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. By doing those things, you will pile up burning coals on their heads." (Proverbs 25:21, 22) Don't let evil overcome you. Overcome evil by doing good.”

And to all of us, young people let’s not forget that restoration, healing, love, confidence, identity, security, and joy all come through intimacy with the One who is intimately near to us. Unless we experience the God who loves us, it is difficult for us to even want to draw near to Him. However, when we believe and feel that God enjoys us—even though we are immature and “in process” in our spiritual journeys—then we will grow in confidence to pursue Jesus and enjoy the richness of His presence.

For those looking for this love, and do not know where to go, the answer is simple, walk into a bible based church, being a member of Watoto Church, I would recommend it, walk into any Watoto church celebration point today and ask for a counselor to help you receive our Lord Jesus and start a new journey today.

God is crazy about you and I am praying for you.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Blessing of Rejection

One thing I sure can start this post with is that, do not ever be afraid to be rejected by people, anyone. There people that will say you do not measure up. But what God says about you is more important than what anyone will ever say, Peter, yes you know him, the apostle that rejected the Lord 3times, says in his  first epistle that God chooses what man rejects (1Peter 2:4-7)

Its not the end of the world when someone rejects you. One thing I have learnt is that something often happens on the inside of us when someone, especially the people we love reject us. I know the first thing the enemy will whisper to you is to retaliate,  but sweetie,  we all know that is deadly, some of you choose to hide into a cave. None of those two ways is a solution. Sometimes God will shut some doors inorder to redirect us into His very best for us so dont be afraid of rejection, its always a blessing, hand it over to God and allow Him to use it for a greater purpose, Paul says in Romans 8:28 "we know that in all things God works for good of those who love Him, those whom He has called according to His purpose.

What rejection have you experienced, or are experiencing that you do not want to handover to God. Did the man that promised you, that you will always be in his life no matter what and believed would be your future husband leave you for someone else, did your bestfriend throw you out, a promotion at work that always passes you by even when your the most qualified, whatever it is, there is no tragedy that you have suffered that God cannot make something good out of it.

Pain happens to all of us, if you've suffered it, just keep moving,  allow to suffer it, if you haven't,  its coming.  But the beauty is that it's in the pain that we grow, surviving it helps you help others. Rejection and the pain that comes with it is important, you need it, accept it, most people loose their destiny in the pain. So accept and allow God to use it for a greater purpose.  Remember, there's just one redeemer, our Lord Jesus,  allow Him to do what only He can, redeem, the greatest rejection in your life can become the building block on which God does what He wants to do through you.

I know it is difficult to give all you had to something or someone and it wasn't enough. All you can do now is to handover the pain to God, it can be the building stone God uses to your destiny. If you know who you're in Christ,  that your steps are ordered by the Lord, then there's nothing any one can do to stop you. Allow that stone that the builders rejected be the cornerstone for your destiny.

Thank God for everything that you didn't get, let God give you the ability to trust Him with everything in your hand. Dive yourself into God's word and allow it to turn  your weakness into your strength.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Prophets, Holy Water now Holy Rice

I am a relationship blogger, but everywhere on social media, everyone seems to be talking about the #HolyRice at 50,000 UGx a kilogram introduced by the reknown Prophet Kakande who is also well known for Holy water, given his congregation always lines up at his church to fetch this Holy water.

There are so many mushrooming Prophetic churches in this country today, and most of them have there own battle tools (Holy water, Anointing oil and the Holy Cross) that their congregations buy or take free of charge. And given the state of most Ugandans today, the poverty, the joblesness, failed marriages and above all most are tired of the witchcraft, people have tried it all and nothing seems to work, so thousands of these desparate Ugandans are looking for hope, and these prophets seem to offer it to them, they tell the people what they want to hear, what they have waited to hear for so long.

I have been to one of these Prophetic churches around the city and I found thousands of people, desperate to hear from God, some were their for healing, deliverance...etc and most testify that they get what they are looking for after using this Holy water, so it must be working for them. But I don't think I will ever go back, for mainly two reasons:
  1. As the Pastor was praying for women, he asked us to put our hands on our stomachs, I did and after that service, I spent 3months in my periods until two weeks ago. I watch alot of Christian TV, so I was watching Daystar Television Network and Joyce Meyer had spent a week teaching on healing and on that last day she hosted Dr. Paul Osteen (Pastor Joel Osteen’s brother) and as they were praying, I took a step of faith, prayed and believed God for my healing, the bleeding to stop, it did, I received my miracle, had spent 3months in this condition and it had stolen my life from me, beginning of the year I got this very busy job but I had to resign from it because that condition used to leave me weak and swollen at the end of the day, but above all else, I thank God for my healing. So if these churches do for you, you can attend, personally, I won't ever go back.
  2. Secondly, i felt lost, I just didn't feel the peace, the presence of God I feel when am at my local church.
If your using the Holy water and now Holy rice and it's working for you, good for you, but be careful, I just hope your not being initiated into covenants that will not only affect you, but your children and their children. As you get desperate and move around these churches collecting Holy water and Holy Rice, don't just think about you, think about your children and their children, you don't want to do something that will hurt a whole generation, and more generations after you.

I am praying for you and God is crazy about you

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Pastor Yiga & witchcraft will not keep him

God created a perfect garden for us to live in communion with Him and the master of all lies, the devil through a woman, Eve, destroyed it. I made sure to go to for 77 DOGS2 at Miracle Centre Cathedral, Rubaga before it ends and was so heartbroken to see so many of God’s children lost, choosing to believe in witchcraft for prosperity, wealth and even happiness in their marriages, I believe there is a revival going on in this country and like Pastor Kayanja said the night I attended, witchcraft, imported or local will be destroyed and more of God’s children are knowing the truth, destroying it and returning to their Heavenly Father. Have seen this happening in churches around the city, most are calling on their congregations to surrender the witchcraft for burning, I often join Pastor Bugingo of House of Prayer on Salt FM for Lunch Hour and he made the same announcement.

So sweeties, if you have any form of witchcraft, either you got it from the shrine, inherited, a senga gave it to you with an assurance that it will draw men to you and make the men stay, guess what, he will stay for a short time and he will live you, you know why, he was drawn to you through evil, he is not yours, God didn't create this man for you, he will still live you no matter what you do or feed him with and when he does, the witchcraft will be exposed, imagine the embarrassment! Take a step, rid yourself of all that witchcraft, return to God, he knows your desire for a man and He will
bring the man He designed just for you, do not take it upon yourself by using witchcraft to get him and keep him, that's high maintenance, you're a woman, you're special, a treasure and God has His very best in store for you as long as you trust in him with reckless abandon, He give you His very best, He always gives us the very best.

And I hope some of you haven't been to Pastor Yiga’s church, that's like another modern shrine, if you have, and even ate the bread, eggs and tea he serves to those women, sweetie, you need deliverance. Find a good bible based church and pray with a pastor. Some of these things actually need fasting and prayer but find a good bible based church and ask for prayer, counselling. And if you need someone to talk to, make sure to contact me.

I am praying for you and God is crazy about you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Do not settle for a good guy

A common self-deception among all women young or older is their power to change the guy she has a crush on, admires from afar, or has begun to date. It breaks my heart when I hear a faith-spirit filled Christian gal trying to explain her reasoning to dating non believers when scripture is very clear “Do not try to work together as equals with unbelievers, for it cannot be done, how can right and wrong be partners? How can light and darkness live together? 2 Corithians 6:14. They often say, but he is a good guy, and most Christian gals are settling for these “good guy” simply because they want to be married and are tired of waiting on God for a godly man.

But my sister do you know what your Mr. Good guy will not understand, your decision to stay pure in this sex-saturated society we live in. He will begin to kiss and touch you a little and the little will become more involved with time, and gradually your relationship will become more physical until you one day give in thinking that the sex will make him love you more & also make him commit but like the saying goes: Men play at love to get sex, and women play at sex to get love” after this, the way he looks at you and everything will change that one act of affection will destroy your relationship and the treasure you had vowed to keep for your future husband. My heart has broken for countless single Christian gals who have played at sex to get love, but instead of love they are disposed off like a used paper cup.

Considering the consequences, physical or emotional that sex before marriage causes, I would say, wait, however hard it gets. God designed us women different, do not let Mr. Good guy rip you apart, a woman cannot make love to a man and remain emotionally untouched, no matter how hard you try, so sweetie, do not give yourself away to a man who cannot care for your heart. And if you have already given it away, do not be kept from beginning new again. Accept God’s forgiveness and refuse to feel like damaged goods. God has better in store for you. You are a treasure, no matter what the enemy whispers to you, do not loose sight of the value of what you have or of who you are. Don't allow the flickering pleasures of an evening of “making love” destroy a lifetime of “lasting love”

One thing I do know that brings complete freedom is that you must forgive and forget the sins of those who sinned against you. Jesus is very clear in Matthew 5:21-24 about what to do with anger toward a brother. But how do you do it? First choose to forgive your brother with your heart, and then God will help you work through the emotions that may remain. You will not be free of the hurt if you habor bitterness. A quick way to ruin a beautiful complexion is to hold on to an unforgiving, bitter attitude.

Am praying for you and God is crazy about you.

Friday, February 03, 2017

Where the Boys are:

I enrolled for Masters at Makerere University in 2012 with mainly two aims, to get the Masters but to also find my Mr. Right, I remember telling my girlfriend, Ann, “I’ve to find a man in my Masters class” I hadn't been in a relationship for at least 4 years and was so excited to go out & find him. Did I find him...? I found someone, a counterfeit, not my Mr. Right. So single Ladies, are you busy spouse hunting? Enrolling for Masters, every advertized certificate hoping to earn ur self  a Mrs. Degree, are you attending every party, invited or not with the hope of finding a man, you’re even going to church, all these fellowships around town weekly, instead of being there for get more of His fire like Bishop T.D Jakes says, you’re there to find good men, I see you have even joined all church activities, and you now have all the phone numbers of the potential guys, busy watsuping, taging them in your tweets just so they can notice you.
And sweetie, am not against socializing, have fun and get involved in activities that involve men and women but be sensitive to your motives and just like Proverbs 16:2 says “All a man’s ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the Lord”  So sister gal, trust me, you shouldn't go hurting, as long as you put your trust in God, He will lead and direct you to your mate, and he will be in the most unexpected place, the place where you're not even looking. God does not honor our logic, but He does honor our faith in Him to meet our needs.

Our Heavenly  Father, has a good sense of humour, its just so funny how He instead used this counterfeit I went hunting for in Graduate school, two(2) years later to lead me to a place where I would find God’s best for me, I found my him at Watoto, a church I vowed I would never attend much less give a second look to a church boy, I always hated church boys. God led me to this special man, I like to call him my favourite person, he isn't a church boy, he is the true definition of a godly man, his example led me to fully surrender all to Jesus. He leads me more to God than to himself every single day and I am so grateful to God each day for him, he is such a blessing, the very best gift, God always gives us His very best and most times, it's not what we expect, but it's always the very best.

Sweetie, God knows your desire for a husband, He places these desires in us and all we have to do is trust Him, and be obedient to his leading, “What i say is this: let the Holy Spirit direct your lives and you will not satsfy the desires of the human nature” Galatians 5:16
Ladies, just look at how the love story of Ruth and Boaz began. Three widows, Naomi with her two daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, have just been through the painful experience of losing the men they loved. Since the two young ladies were young widows, Naomi encouraged them to return to their families where they each might find another husband. “…Go back, each of you, to your mother’s home. May the Lord show kindness to you, as you have shown to your dead and to me. May the Lord grant that each of you will find rest in the home of another husband” (Ruth 1:8-9)

Naomi lovingly pointed Orpah and Ruth in the direction of possible prospects. She actually encouraged them to go in a direction where they could each find a husband. Orpah followed Naomi's advice, she gave Naomi a kiss good-bye and headed “where the boys are” most of you today are taking the same route as Orpah loitering around, hoping to find Mr. Right in all the wrong places, but gal, be very careful whenever you find yourself in the presence of “available men” Orpah’s style of going after the available men which is unfortunately the norm today, is just the wrong path at all levels.

I would like to urge you to have faith in our living God, like Ruth, she chose to trust God with her future. And God providently directed Ruth to the field of Boaz. God rewarded Ruth’s faith with a husband who was a pillar of strength. Would Ruth have ever found a godly husband to be united with if she had also returned to Moab. So sweetie, your hope cannot be put in some dreamed-up future. It must be in God who knows your past, present and future, and loves you enough to give you the very best.

God has not lost your address, your circumstances and geographical location do not threaten God’s will and purpose. Just as he brought Eve to Adam, Rebekah to Isaac, Ruth to Boaz, and someday the Bride of Christ to Himself, He will one day bring Mr. Right to you. Your location or your occupation may not make you very accessible to available godly men, but these roadblocks do not handicap God. Wait on Him, seek His kingdom, will and plan for your life, He always delivers His very best to us at the right time.

I hope these scriptures can encourage you, claim them as you pray and believe God for your mate;

Search in the Lord’s book of living creatures and read what it says, not one of these creatures will be missing, and not one will be without a mate, the Lord has commanded it to be so, he himself will bring them together” Isaiah 34:16

Then the Lord God said, “it is not good for man to live alone, I will make a suitable companion to help him” Genesis 2:18

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united with his wife and they become one” Genesis 2:24

“Seek your happiness in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires, give yourself to the Lord, trust in him and he will help you” Psalm 37:4-5

“You have given him his heart’s desires, you have answered his request” Psalm 21:2

I am praying for you and God is crazy about you.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

A Prayer For a Heart After God

"I believe strongly that one thing the devil seeks to do is to sneak in and subtly distract our attention from the purity and simplicity of loving God. He doesn't mind if we exalt revival, healing, or anything else, as long as we lose our focus on the simplicity of heart-level lavish devotion to the Son of God.”  Mike Bickle

One of the battlegrounds of this present age is activity. 
The outward is most immediate for our attention. It demands our time and energy. We can feel trapped by the tyranny of the urgent. It’s Satan’s great strategy. If he can keep us constantly active, he has trapped us. We no longer are the captain of our soul, and we so easily sink into dullness in our Christian life. An impulsive desire of mankind is to avoid concentration on God. It’s so easy to work for Him any day than to let Him work in us.

David is a great biblical example of one whose primary ambition was to love God even in the midst of all the ups and downs of life. 
What was the secret to David’s success? Throughout his obscure life alone out in the fields as a shepherd boy, He continued to praise, worship, and thank God. He cultivated his heart and allowed God to root out self. All of this seemed so contrary to human wisdom, but God used David mightily in His perfect timing. He had a shepherd’s heart of trust and devotion. He was the giant killer, the composer of Psalms, Saul’s personal musician, Jonathan’s closest friend, a hunted fugitive and, finally, the King of Israel.

The Bible says that he was a man after God’s own heart. 
For the Bible to say this about a man is quite astounding. David used all his energies in pursuing God. He spent time with God. His inward life was more important than his outward activity. It was his highest priority, and he learned to work effectively from the inward to the outward. Out of our heart flow our energy, insight, and influence for God. David let God penetrate his heart deeply. God was his one dominant passion. The cost was high to feel God’s burden, to feel His anguish, to understand His heartache, and to stand in His truth day in and day out, but he was willing.

Are you tempted not to make prayer and devotion to Christ your first ambition in life? 
Does the devil tempt you with focusing on the externals of life rather than what is most important? Keeping Jesus as Lord of our life is the best way you and I can live. The following prayer will help you to keep Jesus in the center and cultivate a devoted heart.
A Prayer For a Heart After God

Dear Lord, help me to cultivate the simplicity of devotion to You. I want You to be my primary ambition in life. I desire to behold Your beauty, and dwell in Your house all the days of my life (Psalm 27:4). Let seeking Your heart be the goal of my life even in busy and stressful times. Help me to be one who seeks after Your beauty. Help me to discover Your emotions and the purposes of Your heart. I want to be a lover of God and thirst after You daily (Psalm 42:1-2a). “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings” (Psalm 17:8).

Teach me how to align my heart with Yours. I recommit myself as a man/woman after Your heart. I choose to seek Your face (Psalm 27:8). In difficult times, open my heart to receive Your revelation. Hide me in the shelter of your tabernacle (Psalm 27:5). Reveal deeply to my heart Your love for me. Rescue me in the midst of difficult circumstances, and bring me into a spacious place (Psalm 18:19). Teach me to enjoy life the way you desire. I choose to be confident in Your love. I am Your Bride. “I love you, O LORD, my strength” (Psalm 18:1).

“One thing I ask from the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock... I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD” (Psalm 27:4-5, 13-14). In Jesus’ name, amen.

“Guard my life, for I am devoted to you. You are my God” (Psalm 86:2a).

God is crazy about you and I am praying for you.

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